Mark Sharpton has been the strongest advocate for roads in District 1. Please vote for Sharpton on August 28
Sharpton is proven. During Sharpton's leadership Logan County had an incredible increase of outside funds of more than 258%. For the last 15 years every road paved in District 1, are either a Sharpton project or the funding for it was conceived by Sharpton. More roads need completed at a higher quality. Sharpton is committed to higher quality roads. The days of building low quality roads must end. District 1 roads must have proper drainage and prepared road base. Sharpton has always worked with and in any neighborhoods it is legal. All while maintaining our existing roads.
Bridge Construction Saves Lives
Logan County has some of the highest obsolete bridges in Oklahoma. Sharpton has replaced or decked several bridges. Future bridges Sharpton would work to complete would include, 3 bridges at MacArthur and Industrial, railroad bridge on Simmons, Prairie Grove over the Cottonwood Creek. Sharpton works with the State and other transportation partners with a professional temperament.
"I work for you"
Sharpton is the first Logan County Commissioner to keep the people updated with a newsletter. Sharpton started the weekly update in the local media and on social media. Sharpton believes phone calls to District 1 should be answered and returned. Sharpton will stop the practice of hanging the phone up on residents. Sharpton believes residents should not be blocked or have posts deleted on social media. Serving the people and remembering that we work for you.